Umswap {{ coinbase ? ensOrAddress(coinbase) : 'Connect' }} Warning: This is experimental unaudited software. Revoke permissions when not required, at this early stage. Please install the MetaMask extension, connect to the Ethereum mainnet and refresh this page. Then click the [Connect] button on the top right.
{{ == null ? (sync.completed + ' ' + sync.section) : (sync.completed + '/' + + ' ' + ((sync.completed / * 100).toFixed(0) + '% ' + sync.section) }}
{{ selectedCollection ? 1 : filteredCollections.length }}
  • Umswaps are pools of ERC-721 NFT tokens
  • 1 NFT = 1 Umswap = 1 NFT: Umswaps are frictionless - there are no fees apart from the Ethereum network transaction fees
  • Create new Umswap pools by executing UmswapFactory.newUmswap(erc721CollectionAddress, umswapName, eligibleTokenIds)
  • An empty eligibleTokenIds list permits all tokenIds within the collection into the pool
  • 1 NFT = 1 Umswap: Eligible NFTs can be swapped into the pool in exchange for 1 pool token each
  • 1 Umswap = 1 NFT: NFTs in the pool can be swapped out of the pool in exchange for 1 pool token each
  • Swapping in and out of the pool is done by executing UmswapPool.swap(inTokenIds, outTokenIds)
  • The net amount of pool tokens is credited to/debited from the swapper's account
  • Both smart contract and user interface source code can be found at
  • UmswapFactory deployed to {{ umswapFactoryAddress }}
  • Most of the code is in
  • Written using the Bootstrap-Vue framework and uses the ethers.js library to access web3 data and to execute transactions
Enjoy. And hello, from the past.
(c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2022. The MIT Licence.
{{ == null ? (sync.completed + ' ' + sync.section) : (sync.completed + '/' + + ' ' + ((sync.completed / * 100).toFixed(0) + '% ' + sync.section) }}
{{ 'Last updated ' + formatTimestamp(collectionLoaded) }} {{ 'Click Sync button on the left to load collection' }}
{{ selectedPool != null ? 1 : filteredPools.length }}
{{ filteredSortedMessages.length }}
Send Message {{ }} {{ getSelectedCollection.address }} {{ getSelectedPoolRecord.address }} {{ getSelectedPoolRecord.address }} Rate Pool Approve Revoke Approval Swap
Check Request Metadata Refresh Create New Pool
{{ set.tokens.length }}
{{ token.tokenId }}
{{ ensOrAddress(token.owner) }}
gm, and enjoy! Umswap © Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2022.