BurnerProTool {{ coinbase ? nameOrShortAddress(coinbase, 16) : 'Connect' }} {{ sync.total == null ? (sync.completed + ' ' + sync.section) : (sync.completed + '/' + sync.total + ' ' + ((sync.completed / sync.total) * 100).toFixed(0) + '% ' + sync.section) }} WARNING: os.burner.pro only uses slot 9, and you don't have the password for slot 8 WARNING: os.burner.pro only uses slot 9, and slots 1 & 2 are not password protected Delete Balance: {{ formatTokens(modalToken.token, modalToken.balance, 0) }}
Scan NFC & Transfer
{{ modalAddress.address.substring(0, 10) + '...' + modalAddress.address.slice(-8) }}
{{ modalNewAddress.canTransferFrom ? 'Transfer from permitted' : 'Transfer from not permitted' }} {{ modalNewAddress.canTransferTo ? 'Transfer to permitted' : 'Transfer to not permitted' }} {{ modalNewAddress.canTransfer ? 'Transfer permitted' : 'Transfer not permitted' }}
Scan NFC card
Card Cards Addresses Info Config
{{ item.name }} {{ 'x' + item.count }}
{{ item.collectionName }}
{{ 'Last: ' + item.lastSale.amount + (item.lastSale.currency == "ETH" ? "e" : " " + item.lastSale.currency) }} {{ 'Price: ' + item.price.amount + (item.price.currency == "ETH" ? "e": " " + item.price.currency) }} {{ 'Bid: ' + item.topBid.amount + (item.topBid.currency == "WETH" ? "w": " " + item.topBid.currency) }}
{{ (parseInt(index) + ((settings.txsTable.currentPage - 1) * settings.txsTable.pageSize) + 1) + '.' }} {{ formatTimestamp(item.timestamp) }} {{ nameOrShortAddress(item.from) }}
{{ nameOrShortAddress(item.contract) }}
{{ item.action }} {{ item.value }}

Welcome to BurnerProTool (WIP)
For managing your burner.pro NFC card Ethereum wallets.

Scan NFC card

  • Best used on mobile phone web browsers with NFC and web3 support, e.g., Brave
  • Scan NFC card to begin
  • To test without an NFC card, click Insert Test Data in Config
  • Add your Etherscan and CryptoCompare API keys in Config
We are not affiliated with burner.pro .
(c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2025. The MIT Licence
Insert Test Data Reset Data Scan NFC To Sign
{{ chainId == '1' ? 'Mainnet' : 'Unsupported' }} {{ '#' + commify0(blockNumber) }} {{ formatTimeDiff(timestamp) }}
gm, and enjoy! BurnerProTool © Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2025. The MIT Licence